Category: Blogs
Blog: From People to Policy: Media has a lot to do in Health
By Shreeman Sharma “When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news.” This is a quote attributed to 19th century American journalist John B. Bogart. This quote is very commonly used in journalism teaching and journalistic practice while defining…
Blog: Gender Norms and Health-Seeking Behaviour in Nepal, Bangladesh, Ghana and Nigeria
By Delali Kumapley, CHORUS Research Uptake Co-Lead, and the CHORUS Gender & Intersectionality Group Based on the case study: “The Influence of Changing Gender and Social Norms on Health Seeking Behaviour and Health Systems in Cities” by Sushama Kanan, Abriti Arjyal, Lauren Wallace, Ada Nwameme, Chinyere Mbachu, Faria Islam, Samina Huque, Umme Salma, Grishu Shrestha,…
Blog: HSR2022 – A Journey of Lessons and Persistence for a Policy Implementer and Budding Health Systems Researcher from an LMIC
By Patience Ami Mamattah, Municipal Health Director and PhD student, Ghana Photos credit: Patience Mamattah Stakeholders and researchers from LMIC cities are at the forefront of the healthcare challenges related to rapid urbanisation, and need to be central in the conversations on how to approach them. We need to be fully represented in the key…
Blog: The Transgender Community and Disparities of the Urban Health Care System. Untold Stories
By Umme Salma Anee, Nondita Hassan, Fariha Islam Munia, Maisha Ahsan Momo, Tahmid Hasan, Deepa Barua and Rumana Huque. ARK Foundation, Bangladesh A transgender woman, named Sumaiya (pseudonym), became sick while collecting money for a prolonged time under the scorching heat of summer. She went to buy medicine from a road side drug store. While…
Blog: Safeguarding and Urban Health Researchers in Bangladesh
By Samina Huque, Project Manager and Safeguarding Focal Point, ARK Foundation, Bangladesh Safeguarding policies and practices in the global health research sector are inspired and influenced by different sources and entities. In most countries, organizations form their safeguarding policies as per the law of the respective country and relevant laws of the host/donor countries they…
Blog: Urban slum life hit by poverty and tragedy
Deepak Joshi, CHORUS Researcher, HERD International, Nepal Our team, as part of making the video documentary, visited a slum area located in Pokhara City, located near the airport. We also visited the weekly clinic conducted by one of the health facilities offering services to the residents. We were five people in our team including myself,…
Blog: Measuring and Addressing Deprivation in Informal Settlements: Two Frameworks to Use
Delali Kumapley, Research Uptake Officer, CHORUS Ghana In this blog, Delali Kumapley (CHORUS RU Officer) reports back on the recent webinar with CHORUS, IDEAMAPs, and the University of York’s Urbanisation and Health Network, on ‘Measuring and Responding to Urban Deprivation in Cities, in Low and Middle-Income Countries’, held on 7th July 22. The webinar showcased…
Blog: Comparing life for the poor in informal and formal settlements
Professor Tim Ensor, CHORUS Research Director, University of Leeds Is someone who is poor better off living in a slum (informal settlement) or in accommodation mixed in with all other households? This question has been on my mind recently, particularly after our pertinent webinar on Community Mapping and Domains of Deprivation with Caroline Kabaria recently…
Blog: Community Mapping and Domains of Deprivation
Delali Kumapley, Research Uptake Officer, CHORUS Ghana Community Mapping and GIS: Application for Health Research – Summary and Reflections from the Webinar Available statistics show that Sub-Saharan Africa records the highest number of slum dwellers. About 62% of the region’s urban population resides in slums as compared to 35% in Southern Asia (UN-Habitat, 2014). Although…
Blog: Understanding the Health Needs of the Vulnerable – Lessons from the Community
Delali Kumapley, Research Uptake Officer, CHORUS Ghana Image credits – University of Ghana, School of Public Health One of the main problems faced by the poorer populations living in informal settlements or slums is their inaccessibility to proper healthcare. Healthcare provision in informal settlements can be limited due to inadequate government resources and the…