Blog: Measuring and Addressing Deprivation in Informal Settlements: Two Frameworks to Use

Aug 16, 2022

Delali Kumapley, Research Uptake Officer, CHORUS Ghana In this blog, Delali Kumapley (CHORUS RU Officer) reports back on the recent webinar with CHORUS, IDEAMAPs, and the University of York’s Urbanisation and Health Network, on ‘Measuring and Responding to Urban Deprivation in Cities, in Low and Middle-Income Countries’, held on 7th July 22. The webinar showcased…

Blog: Comparing life for the poor in informal and formal settlements

Aug 12, 2022

Professor Tim Ensor, CHORUS Research Director, University of Leeds Is someone who is poor better off living in a slum (informal settlement) or in accommodation mixed in with all other households? This question has been on my mind recently, particularly after our pertinent webinar on Community Mapping and Domains of Deprivation with Caroline Kabaria recently…

Blog: Community Mapping and Domains of Deprivation

Jul 20, 2022

Delali Kumapley, Research Uptake Officer, CHORUS Ghana Community Mapping and GIS: Application for Health Research – Summary and Reflections from the Webinar Available statistics show that Sub-Saharan Africa records the highest number of slum dwellers. About 62% of the region’s urban population resides in slums as compared to 35% in Southern Asia (UN-Habitat, 2014). Although…

Webinar: Community Mapping and GIS, and Application for Health Research, with Dr. Caroline Kabaria

Jul 4, 2022

Dr. Caroline Kabaria joins the CHORUS team for a webinar on community mapping and its application for health research. Dr. Kabaria, Associate Research Scientist at the African Population and Health Research Centre, discusses her work on the participatory mapping of health services in slum areas in Kenya. She brings her expertise in geo-informatics and spatial…

Webinar: Measuring and responding to urban deprivation in cities in low and middle income countries

Jun 21, 2022

CHORUS, IDEAMAPS and University of York’s Urbanisation and Health Network collaborate to bring a webinar on Measuring and Responding to Urban Deprivation  7th July 2022 11.00 – 12.00 BST   In rapidly growing and changing urban areas in the global south, decision-makers, from communities to governments, face many challenges in understanding and responding to the…

Blog: Understanding the Health Needs of the Vulnerable – Lessons from the Community

Jun 7, 2022

Delali Kumapley, Research Uptake Officer, CHORUS Ghana Image credits  – University of Ghana, School of Public Health   One of the main problems faced by the poorer populations living in informal settlements or slums is their inaccessibility to proper healthcare. Healthcare provision in informal settlements can be limited due to inadequate government resources and the…

Blog: Men’s Health in Urban Bangladesh – Is the Urban Primary Healthcare System Leaving Men behind?

Jun 1, 2022

Maisha Ahsan Momo, Research Assistant, ARK Foundation, Bangladesh Image credits  – ARK Foundation, Bangladesh   Abdur Rahim (pseudonym, aged 65+) lazily passes his days at his shabby little home in Duwaripara slum. Being a retired day-laborer, he is now financially dependent on his wife’s and daughter’s income, both of whom work as part-time maids for…

Webinar: Developing a Typology of Private Healthcare Providers

Apr 8, 2022

Professor Tim Ensor is a CHORUS Research Director at the University of Leeds. In this webinar he discusses how the non-government sector is an important player in the formal or informal delivery of medical services. This mix of the public and private funding and healthcare provision present in the health systems of the four CHORUS…

Webinar: Health System Responsiveness

Mar 21, 2022

Professor Tolib Mirzoev discusses how health system responsiveness is framed and empirically assessed, to inform possible application of this concept in the CHORUS projects.   The session draws on the original WHO framework and subsequent background review paper, and insights from collaborative research from the the on-going RESPONSE (improving systems responsiveness in Ghana and Vietnam)…

Clients making inquiries at a primary health care centre in PMC

Blog: Introducing Pokhara Metropolitan City: The urban poor and the local health system

Mar 16, 2022

By Shreeman Sharma, HERD International Image depicts clients making inquiries at a primary health care centre in Pokhara Metropolitan City. Photo: Shreeman Sharma, HERDi HERD International is a partner in the CHORUS research consortium. We are implementing a study in Pokhara Municipality of Nepal to understand the local health system, and we aim to contribute…

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