CHORUS Paper: Association between media exposure and maternal health service use in Nepal: A further analysis of Nepal Demographic and Health Survey-2022

The CHORUS team at HERD International in Nepal analysed data in the Nepal Demographic and Health Survey, 2022, to showcase evidence on the impact of media on maternal health service utilization in Nepal. Findings shared in this paper suggest that well-designed campaigns and awareness programmes, delivered through mass media platforms, play a vital role in enhancing the uptake of maternal health services.

These findings support the ongoing work of CHORUS in fostering linkages and strategically designing engagements with media professionals to improve evidence-based reporting on urban health issues in Bangladesh, Nepal, Nigeria and Ghana. CHORUS teams, through engaging with media experts, aim to enhance the reporting and coverage of urban health issues, particularly those impacting the poor or marginalised, which can then improve public awareness and influence health system policies.

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