CHORUS at 7th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research – Bogota, Columbia. 31 October to 4 November 2022
We are excited to be part of Health Systems Global’s 7th Symposium on Health System Research. Some of the team will be joining in Bogota, whilst others participating virtually.
The theme for this symposium is ‘Health Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Sharing Lessons for Current and Future Global Challenges’ with subthemes:
- The politics and policies of health systems
- Intersectoral collaboration and integrative governance on the road for health in all policies
- The changing dynamics of health provision models to promote equity and the central role of human resources for health
- The role of comprehensive primary care in promoting sustainability and the contribution of new technologies
CHORUS contributions are detailed below.
If you are joining the conference, we’d love to engage! Get in touch on
Follow us on twitter @CHORUSUrban for conference updates.
Thursday 3 November 2022
Urban Primary Health Care Systems – Co-Designing Initiatives to Strengthen Complex Systems
Organised Session. 11.00 – 12.30 COT / 16.00 – 17.30 GMT. Level 3, Room J
Urban health systems face multiple challenges including coordinating across sectors, public and private providers and reaching underserved poor city residents. This session will share findings from research in West African and South Asian cities and debate health system solutions co-designed with local governments, public and private providers and residents.
- Prof. Irene Agyepong (Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons) – Chair
- Prof. Tolib Mirzoev (LSHTM, UK) – Facilitator
- Deepak Joshi (HERD International, Nepal) – Presenter
- Dr. Sushil Baral (HERD International, Nepal) – Discussant
- Dr. Chinyere Mbachu (University of Nigeria) – Presenter
- Simeon Onyemaechi (Anambra State Health Insurance Agency, Nigeria) – Discussant
- Prince Agwu (University of Nigeria) – Discussant
- Dr. Genevieve Cecelia Aryeetey (University of Ghana) – Presenter
- Patience Mamattah (Ashaiman Municipality, Accra, Ghana) – Discussant
- Dr. Rumana Huque (Ark Foundation, Bangladesh) – Presenter
- Dr. Mahmuda Ali (Dhaka North City Corporation, Bangladesh) – Discussant
Monday 31 October 2022
Actors and Alliances to Transform Health and Wellbeing in Cities
Joint Satellite Session. 08.30 – 12.00 COT / 13.30 – 17.00 GMT. Level 3, Room J
Held on World Cities Day, this joint session brings together researchers, decision makers, community representatives and practitioners working on systems strengthening and social determinants of urban health and wellbeing. In the session, contributors will map out current research, advocacy and action; identify challenges, synergies and gaps and discuss how to connect and expand communities of practice.
Contributors from:
- ARISE Consortium
- African Cities Research Consortium
- CHORUS Research on Urban Health
- Pathways to Equitable Healthy Cities
- Slum Dwellers International
Register here to join the session virtually, even if you are not registered for Health Systems Global. We’re aiming to bring together researchers, practitioners, community representatives and decision makers, as together we can increase our impact!