Presentation: ‘Quality of Healthcare Services in Pharmacies of Pokhara Metropolitan City’ – Presentation by HERD International at the 9th Nepal Health Research Council Summit
May 2, 2023
Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC), in collaboration with various organizations working in health, research and development, organized the 9th National Summit of Health and Population Scientists on the 11th and 12th of April 2023. Ms. Grishu Shrestha, Research Officer at HERD International, presented “the quality of health care service in pharmacies” based on the CHORUS…

CHORUS External Newsletter – February 2023
Mar 7, 2023
Welcome to the first external newsletter for CHORUS, providing an update on the CHORUS research projects well underway in Nepal, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Nepal. Don’t forget to subscribe to receive future newsletters on CHORUS research findings, interventions and key urban health issues, using the link on the homepage.

Blog: HSR2022 – A Journey of Lessons and Persistence for a Policy Implementer and Budding Health Systems Researcher from an LMIC
Feb 9, 2023
By Patience Ami Mamattah, Municipal Health Director and PhD student, Ghana Photos credit: Patience Mamattah Stakeholders and researchers from LMIC cities are at the forefront of the healthcare challenges related to rapid urbanisation, and need to be central in the conversations on how to approach them. We need to be fully represented in the key…

ICUH22 Panel Session: “How are changing gender and social norms influencing health seeking behaviour and health systems in cities?”
Feb 3, 2023
CHORUS held a panel session at the International Conference on Urban Health presenting analysis on how gender intersects with other social stratifies to influence health seeking behaviour in poor urban neighbourhoods. The session used findings from the qualitative and quantitative research to explore cross-country similarities and differences between the CHORUS cities in West Africa and…

Blog: The Transgender Community and Disparities of the Urban Health Care System. Untold Stories
Jan 8, 2023
By Umme Salma Anee, Nondita Hassan, Fariha Islam Munia, Maisha Ahsan Momo, Tahmid Hasan, Deepa Barua and Rumana Huque. ARK Foundation, Bangladesh A transgender woman, named Sumaiya (pseudonym), became sick while collecting money for a prolonged time under the scorching heat of summer. She went to buy medicine from a road side drug store. While…

Blog: Safeguarding and Urban Health Researchers in Bangladesh
Jan 8, 2023
By Samina Huque, Project Manager and Safeguarding Focal Point, ARK Foundation, Bangladesh Safeguarding policies and practices in the global health research sector are inspired and influenced by different sources and entities. In most countries, organizations form their safeguarding policies as per the law of the respective country and relevant laws of the host/donor countries they…

Key Messages from the International Conference on Urban Health 2022
Dec 21, 2022
CHORUS participants at the International Conference on Urban Health, along with researchers from ARISE and Pathways to Equitable Healthy Cities, identified their key messages from the conference to use as a platform for discussion at a Joint Satellite Session at the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Bogota, Colombia from 31 October to…

Webinar: “Health Financing and Public Expenditure Management Tools”
Dec 9, 2022
In this CHORUS webinar, Prof. Rumana Huque from ARK Foundation, introduces public expenditure management tools and specifically, PER, PETs and NHA. A discussion follows on how these tools are useful in understanding overall fund flow and how they can be used at subnational level. Finally, examples of how the tools can be used in practice…

Webinar: “Intervention Co-creation Methods and Approaches”
Nov 24, 2022
In this CHORUS Webinar, Professor Helen Elsey from the University of York, introduces frameworks and useful papers on the processes of co-designing interventions with stakeholders, including the ‘six steps to quality intervention development’ (6SQUiD), and how to move beyond linear models of intervention development for more complex systems. Watch the presentation here