Key Messages from the International Conference on Urban Health 2022

Dec 21, 2022

CHORUS participants at the International Conference on Urban Health, along with researchers from ARISE and Pathways to Equitable Healthy Cities, identified their key messages from the conference to use as a platform for discussion at a Joint Satellite Session at the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Bogota, Colombia from 31 October to…

Webinar: “Health Financing and Public Expenditure Management Tools”

Dec 9, 2022

In this CHORUS webinar, Prof. Rumana Huque from ARK Foundation, introduces public expenditure management tools and specifically, PER, PETs and NHA. A discussion follows on how these tools are useful in understanding overall fund flow and how they can be used at subnational level. Finally, examples of how the tools can be used in practice…

Webinar: “Intervention Co-creation Methods and Approaches”

Nov 24, 2022

In this CHORUS Webinar, Professor Helen Elsey from the University of York, introduces frameworks and useful papers on the processes of co-designing interventions with stakeholders, including the ‘six steps to quality intervention development’ (6SQUiD), and how to move beyond linear models of intervention development for more complex systems.   Watch the presentation here  

Webinar: “Health Economics Tools”

Nov 23, 2022

In this CHORUS webinar, Dr. Bryony Dawkins and Professor Tim Ensor discuss the role of health economics in helping to understand and evaluate health systems and health system interventions. The presentation presents nine techniques and tools, from understanding sources of funding and funding flows, through analysis of equity, economic evaluation and provider payments.    …

CHORUS at 7th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research – Bogota, Columbia. 31 October to 4 November 2022

Oct 25, 2022

We are excited to be part of Health Systems Global’s 7th Symposium on Health System Research. Some of the team will be joining in Bogota, whilst others participating virtually. The theme for this symposium is ‘Health Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Sharing Lessons for Current and Future Global Challenges’ with subthemes: The politics and policies…

Webinar: “Multi-sectoral responses to address the wider determinants of health”

Oct 24, 2022

In this CHORUS Webinar: Professor Helen Elsey chairs the session and introduces the topic looking at WHO’s Health in All Policies (HiAP) and the importance of multi-sectoral approaches for CHORUS. Professor Charles Hongoro (HSRC) joins the CHORUS team and shares experiences on working across sectors on urban agricultures and food systems Dr. Jemma Phillips (UoL)…

CHORUS at the ISUH 18th International Conference on Urban Health. 24 – 27 October 2022, Valencia, Spain

Oct 18, 2022

CHORUS has strong representation at the 18th International Conference on Urban Health this October. Held over four days in Valencia, Spain, and online, this year’s theme is ‘Growing our Global Community. Driving Action. Ensuring Equity’. CHORUS contributions are detailed below. Follow our updates during the conference on twitter @CHORUSUrban, and join our sessions either in…

Announcement: CHORUS Internal Innovation Fund Launch

Sep 30, 2022

We’re really excited to hear from our early and mid-career researchers on their innovative ideas for new research projects to support the CHORUS pillars! We have an amazing team of around 60 researchers across our partners in West Africa and South Asia, with skills, ideas and passion to improve the health services and systems for…

Blog: Urban slum life hit by poverty and tragedy

Sep 28, 2022

Deepak Joshi, CHORUS Researcher, HERD International, Nepal Our team, as part of making the video documentary, visited a slum area located in Pokhara City, located near the airport. We also visited the weekly clinic conducted by one of the health facilities offering services to the residents. We were five people in our team including myself,…

Webinar: PEN Training at Urban Primary Health Care Facilities, with Professor Malay K. Mridha

Aug 17, 2022

  Professor Malay K. Mridha, from James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, joins the CHORUS team for a webinar on the integration of Package of Essential Non-Communicable Diseases (PEN) interventions in urban primary health care systems. He presents on the components of PEN; evidence of benefits of implementing PEN in different countries;…

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