Covid & Cities Blog – 1st of a series

Jul 29, 2021

Urban Health Systems: A neglected frontline of 21st Century epidemics and pandemics. Irene A Agyepong, Mahua Das, Helen Elsey, Tim Ensor  Cities have been the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic and as the world still struggles to emerge from Covid-19, scientists predict that more epidemics and pandemics lie ahead. Yet are the current urban health…

Panel Session ‘Coordination, collaboration or confusion? Urban governance and the private sector in the COVID-19 response’ on Wednesday 7 July 2021 13.30 – 15.00 BST

Jul 2, 2021

Come and join the CHORUS team as we review and discuss the role of the private sector and city governments during the pandemic in Nepal, Bangladesh, Ghana and Nigeria, at the 17th International Conference on Urban Health. CHORUS colleagues will present analysis on the spectrum of providers and their role in the response to COVID-19,…

Webinar ‘Harnessing the Strength of the Private and Informal Sector for Better Health in Urban Areas’ on Tuesday 30 March 11-12 BST

Mar 29, 2021

CHORUS colleagues Dr Helen Elsey (Research Director), Professor Irene Agyepong (CEO) and Professor Obinna Onwujekwe, (CHORUS Nigeria PI) join the Urbanisation and Health Network’s latest webinar and globally renowned urban health systems experts to discuss lessons learned and potential models to bring together health providers from the private, NGO and informal sectors to improve urban…

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