Category: NCDs

Pathway to Impact – Improving Patient NCD Data in Urban Bangladesh

To effectively manage non communicable diseases (NCDs), it is essential to collect and maintain comprehensive data from across the multitude of organisations providing health care services. In the urban context of Bangladesh, these include primary healthcare (PHC) facilities, urban dispensaries, NGO clinics and private providers. Comprehensive patient data can inform decision making, monitor health indicators,…

Blog: Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to Address NCDs. A Case of Pharmacies from Pokhara Metropolitan City, Nepal

By Shreeman Sharma, CHORUS Research Uptake Lead, HERD International and Abhingyna Bhattarai, Research Manager for CHORUS Nepal Project 1, HERD International In public health, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are described as being non-contagious long-term conditions that are usually a result of genetics and lifestyle factors. Globally, the four main NCDs are cardiovascular disease, cancers, respiratory diseases…

Blog: ARK’s SIMPLE Solution to the Urban Data Dearth

By Abdullah Muhammad Rafi, ARK Foundation ARK’s SIMPLE Solution to the Urban Data Dearth On December of 2022, the Government of Bangladesh declared its next major initiative – the Smart Bangladesh Initiative – with a view to building a Smart Nation by 2041. Government’s Aspire to Innovate (a2i) program defines a ‘smart nation’ as “harnessing…

HERD International: A Glimpse of Urbanization in Nepal June 2024

HERD International: A Glimpse of Urbanization in Nepal June 2024 Urbanisation and Health in Nepal HERD International team has shared their ‘Insights’, as Nepal is one of the fastest urbanizing countries in Asia, they have highlighted the challenges of air pollution, waste management, nutrition, NCD’s and life expectancy due to this rapid increase in urban…

Urban October 2023: Urbanisation and Health in Nepal

HERD International Special Edition of ‘Insights’ for Urban October 2023 Urbanisation and Health in Nepal   The latest ‘Insights’ evidence brief from HERD International highlights the rapid increase in the urban population in Nepal, and with it the alarming increase in air pollution and challenges in managing urban waste.   Click for full ‘Insights’ Edition…

Conference: HERD International Presents Findings on Urban Health Research at the 9th Nepal Health Research Council Summit

Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC), in collaboration with various organizations working in health, research and development, organized the 9th National Summit of Health and Population Scientists on the 11th and 12th of  April 2023. CHORUS Partner HERD International, in Nepal, was a key contributor at the NHRC Annual Summit, with six oral presentations on a…

Webinar: PEN Training at Urban Primary Health Care Facilities, with Professor Malay K. Mridha

  Professor Malay K. Mridha, from James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, joins the CHORUS team for a webinar on the integration of Package of Essential Non-Communicable Diseases (PEN) interventions in urban primary health care systems. He presents on the components of PEN; evidence of benefits of implementing PEN in different countries;…

Blog: Men’s Health in Urban Bangladesh – Is the Urban Primary Healthcare System Leaving Men behind?

Maisha Ahsan Momo, Research Assistant, ARK Foundation, Bangladesh Image credits  – ARK Foundation, Bangladesh   Abdur Rahim (pseudonym, aged 65+) lazily passes his days at his shabby little home in Duwaripara slum. Being a retired day-laborer, he is now financially dependent on his wife’s and daughter’s income, both of whom work as part-time maids for…

Blog: Introducing Pokhara Metropolitan City: The urban poor and the local health system

By Shreeman Sharma, HERD International Image depicts clients making inquiries at a primary health care centre in Pokhara Metropolitan City. Photo: Shreeman Sharma, HERDi HERD International is a partner in the CHORUS research consortium. We are implementing a study in Pokhara Municipality of Nepal to understand the local health system, and we aim to contribute…

Blog: Important Yet Ignored: Non-Communicable Diseases in Urban Bangladesh

By Tahmid Hasan, ARK Foundation   In Bangladesh, NCDs are estimated to account for 67% of all deaths. In low and middle-income countries, urbanization has been identified as one of the crucial underlying reasons for the increasing trends of NCDs. Bangladesh has also been experiencing rapid urbanization for the past two decades. The urban population…