Category: Conferences

CHORUS at the 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

CHORUS members will shortly be arriving in Nagasaki, Japan, to attend and present at the 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2024) . This year’s theme is ‘Building Just and Sustainable Health Systems Centring People and Protecting the Planet’. Do follow us on X @CHORUSUrban and on LinkedIn for regular updates from Japan.

Blog: Herding cats or Flying with the Flock? Experiences of co-designing health systems interventions to improve health in complex urban environments (ICUH Panel Session, Atlanta 2023)

With multiple stakeholders, all with competing agendas and different expectations – how do you effectively co-design sustainable, feasible, equitable interventions to strengthen health systems?   At the 19th International Conference on Urban Health, in Atlanta, USA November 2023, CHORUS researchers  from all partner countries contributed to a panel session to share our lessons and findings…

CHORUS at the 13th European Congress on Global Health, Netherlands, November 2023

CHORUS researchers enjoyed excellent representation at the 13th European Congress on Global Health (ECTMIH 2023), held in Utrecht, Netherlands from 20-23 November 2023. The theme for the conference was ‘Shaping the Future of Equitable and Sustainable Planetary Health’. Here is a summary of the CHORUS panel, presentations and posters during which we shared findings from…

Blog: Uniting Planetary Health and Climate Justice – A Call to Global Action

by Baby Naznin, Senior Research Associate (BRAC University, James P. Grant School of Public Health, Bangladesh) In the heart of Utrecht, Netherlands, the 13th European Congress for Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH) recently concluded, leaving a profound impact on the global discourse around planetary health. Organized by the Federation of European Societies of Tropical…

CHORUS at the International Conference on Urban Health, Atlanta 2023

We are very pleased that CHORUS researchers have had numerous abstracts accepted for this year’s International Conference on Urban Health, being held in Atlanta, USA, from 7 – 9 November 2023. The theme for the conference is ‘Turning Evidence into Impact: Urban Equity as a Global Driver of Equity and Social Justice’. We hope to see…

Blog: HSR2022 – A Journey of Lessons and Persistence for a Policy Implementer and Budding Health Systems Researcher from an LMIC

By Patience Ami Mamattah, Municipal Health Director and PhD student, Ghana Photos credit: Patience Mamattah Stakeholders and researchers from LMIC cities are at the forefront of the healthcare challenges related to rapid urbanisation, and need to be central in the conversations on how to approach them. We need to be fully represented in the key…

ICUH22 Panel Session: “How are changing gender and social norms influencing health seeking behaviour and health systems in cities?”

CHORUS held a panel session at the International Conference on Urban Health presenting analysis on how gender intersects with other social stratifies to influence health seeking behaviour in poor urban neighbourhoods. The session used findings from the qualitative and quantitative research to explore cross-country similarities and differences between the CHORUS cities in West Africa and…

Key Messages from the International Conference on Urban Health 2022

CHORUS participants at the International Conference on Urban Health, along with researchers from ARISE and Pathways to Equitable Healthy Cities, identified their key messages from the conference to use as a platform for discussion at a Joint Satellite Session at the Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Bogota, Colombia from 31 October to…

CHORUS at 7th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research – Bogota, Columbia. 31 October to 4 November 2022

We are excited to be part of Health Systems Global’s 7th Symposium on Health System Research. Some of the team will be joining in Bogota, whilst others participating virtually. The theme for this symposium is ‘Health Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Sharing Lessons for Current and Future Global Challenges’ with subthemes: The politics and policies…

CHORUS at the ISUH 18th International Conference on Urban Health. 24 – 27 October 2022, Valencia, Spain

CHORUS has strong representation at the 18th International Conference on Urban Health this October. Held over four days in Valencia, Spain, and online, this year’s theme is ‘Growing our Global Community. Driving Action. Ensuring Equity’. CHORUS contributions are detailed below. Follow our updates during the conference on twitter @CHORUSUrban, and join our sessions either in…